Full Name
Norhazrin Azmi
Norhazrin Azmi has 12 years of working experience in upstream Oil & Gas. She held bachelor degree in Chemical Engineering with major in Petroleum Engineering from University Teknologi PETRONAS, Malaysia. Her leadership and drive lead to many success stories in Vestigo Petroleum Sdn. Bhd. which has become the leading example within PETRONAS. i.e. Fast and cheap solution for Decommissioning of Kapal Field (P&A cost is the lowest in Malaysia with USD 578k per well) and establishment of long-term low-cost offshore wellhead platform (namely Offshore Wellhead Facilities, OWF) at an average price of USD 22 million fully install.
She's currently working as Front-End Manager in PETRONAS and leading the pre-Final Investment Decision projects that cover Front End Loading works for the fields within Peninsular Malaysia.
She's currently working as Front-End Manager in PETRONAS and leading the pre-Final Investment Decision projects that cover Front End Loading works for the fields within Peninsular Malaysia.
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